Sunday, November 2, 2008

Terrified Of Sex For The 1st Time

This boy is really something else... He is terrified of having sex with his girlfriend who wants to do it with him. Peer pressure?


I REALLY love my girlfriend but I shake with fright at the thought of having sex with her.

I’m 18 with a happy, normal life. I have been with my girlfriend, who’s 17, for 12 months now and we have lots of fun together.

We haven’t had full sex because early on we both felt too young but we have enjoyed everything except the full thing.

We have always been open and honest with each other about sex and she told me recently that she wants to have full sex with me.

At first I was delighted. We had our chance when her parents went away for the weekend.

I wanted everything to be perfect for her.

We had a lovely, romantic evening together but when we got into bed, I was so nervous that I didn’t dare to try anything.

She said it was all right and that we should wait as long as it takes, but I think she was disappointed.

I really love her and really fancy her.

But when I think about having full sex with her I just shake with fright.

I really want to but, when the times comes, I just freak out.

Does this mean I’m not ready?

I’m worried that I’ll be a failure and that she’ll get fed up with waiting.



Anonymous said...

Well, you should be proud of yourself. You're a responsible person who cares about consequences. If you think it's not the right time to have, then you shouldn't. You'll have tons of chance in the future, why rush?