Friday, October 3, 2008

Funny Olympic Scandal. German Swimmer Cheats And Wins!!

Why is it always a rivalry between the Germans and the Americans or the British...LOL!

Squeaking Birds! So Cute!

Im really glad that's just a cartoon.. Imagine a world with squeaking birds, its not like their chirping aren't annoying enough...i won't be able to sleep past 7am thats for sure..

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Swallowing or Spitting?


Wednesday, October 1, 2008 Online Shopping Has Never Been This Easy!

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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Vanilla Sky Singing Umbrella. Umbrella Will Never Be The Same After You've Heard This Shit!

Alright, so it was raining shitloads all over 'Sunny Singapore' today right? Yes, i know...the irony. Anyway, i just had dinner with a couple friends at the mall and i was preparing to head home. I got on my bike, started the engine, put my helmet to my head and rode off towards the expressway and just when i thought i was all clear of the rain. It started pouring so hard i couldn't make out if the droplets were actual rain drops or genuine Singaporean Bird Shit. Strangely, that's when this song started playing in my head and so here it is! Hope you liked it.

BTW, This cover sounds so much better than Rihanna's version of the song.

Monday, September 29, 2008

The Evolution of Dance. Yes, all the way to the 21st centuary.

It's quite amazing how some dances or in another words 'The Human Mating Ritual' can look absolutely ridiculous when they are done alone on a stage without any props or backups..but people still do it! Take the Chicken Dance for example... LOL!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Bitch Slap In Super Slow Motion ! Watch This Guy's Face Ripple !

Micheal Jackson's weakness Revealed! Who knows what might fall off next !